Friday, August 9, 2019

Snakes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Snakes - Research Paper Example In the Bible, snakes are held in high regard and widely respected. They cling to people, and they are God’s right hand when it comes to judgment. They are considered crafty, smart, strong, and stealthy. God often uses snakes as the product of a miracle; to prove that God really does exist. Snakes are capable of mesmerizing and hypnotizing people, they are also considered a health resource in many countries, sucking venom out of injured people and bringing them to life. But they can also be very dangerous. According to expert Ken Burton, he says that some cultures revere snakes and even ignore them. There are many different types of snakes. Each types of snake have different qualities that make them unique and able to withstand and survive in their environment. The ability to survive without legs in this bustling world would be hard for anyone†¦but not for snakes! There are snakes that can climb trees, burrow deep into the earth, and live in the water. But which snakes liv e where and why? The Colubridae family of snakes makes up two thirds of all the snakes in the entire world. You can find snakes everywhere except for Ireland, New Zealand and some smaller islands. And out of the many types of snakes, less than 600 types are venomous. Many snakes are considered to be useful and though Eve lost her battle with a serpent in the Garden of Eden, snakes seem to have a false reputation which keeps humans away from them. The Garter snake, rat snake, black snake and king snake are all types of snakes that are in the non-venomous category. The Boidae snakes are snakes that are famous for their size and length. The Boa and the Python fall under this type of snake due to their length and size. They have a unique ability when capturing their prey. The Elapidae is a venomous type of snake. There are over 250 species of this kind. The Xenopeltidae snake or better known as Sunbeam snakes lives in southeastern Asia. What is the habitat like for each snake group? Eac h snake, depending on its type, have a habitat that is either the same or unique to each other. The Colubridae snake lives both on earth and in the water. They are found in every state in the United States and also in the Canadian province and territories. People living in South America will also encounter these snakes on a daily basis. The Boidae snake is found mostly in Mexico and parts of South America. These snakes are large and live near water sources so they may catch their prey quickly and effortlessly. The Elapidae snakes live in different kinds of habitats. You may find some in the water and others in trees. They are prominently seen in Africa and the Near East. This type of snake comes with several different names. They are Australian Copperheads, Common Cobra, Coral Snake, Death Adder, Egyptian Cobra, Green Namba, King Cobra, Krait, Taipan and Tiger Snake. The Xenopeltidae (Sunbeam Snakes) live underground, in leaves, or under trash. They live in humid forests, rice paddi es, farm fields, parks and gardens next to the woods. They can be found in Southern China, Southeast Asia, west of Thailand, and South through Indonesia. At some point in time, all of these snakes will mate and the breading strategies are all very similar if not the same. Every creature must recreate themselves in order to survive. When procreating, they need to keep in mind what it takes to attract the perfect mate in order to continue its legacy. This is where the importance of mating takes place. The

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